When navigating land purchase and easement matters, it’s essential to understand the various terms and provisions involved to ensure that the transaction meets your needs and protects your interests. Below is a simple guide to some of the key terms and provisions you may encounter in land purchase agreements and easement agreements, the attorneys of Adams & Sullivan can assist you with all the legal details of your land purchase and easement agreements. This is a good starting point to familiarize yourself with what you can expect.

Land Purchase Agreement Terms:

  1. Purchase Price: The amount of money to be paid by the buyer to the seller for the purchase of the land.
  2. Earnest Money Deposit: A sum of money deposited by the buyer with the seller to demonstrate their intention to proceed with the purchase. This deposit is typically held in escrow and applied toward the purchase price at closing.
  3. Closing Date: The date on which the sale of the land is finalized, and ownership is transferred from the seller to the buyer.
  4. Title Examination: The process of reviewing the title history of the land to identify any defects, liens, or encumbrances that may affect ownership rights.
  5. Title Insurance: Insurance coverage that protects the buyer and lender against losses arising from defects in the title to the property.
  6. Survey: A professional survey of the land’s boundaries and features to verify its size, location, and any encroachments or easements.
  7. Contingencies: Conditions that must be met before the sale can proceed, such as obtaining financing, conducting inspections, or securing necessary permits.
  8. Closing Costs: Expenses associated with the transfer of ownership, such as attorney fees, title insurance premiums, recording fees, and transfer taxes. These costs are typically divided between the buyer and seller according to local customs.
  9. Warranties and Representations: Statements made by the seller regarding the condition of the property, any improvements made to the land, and other relevant matters.

Easement Agreement Provisions:

  1. Grantor and Grantee: The grantor is the party granting the easement, while the grantee is the party receiving the easement rights.
  2. Description of Easement: A detailed description of the location, dimensions, and purpose of the easement, including any restrictions or limitations on its use.
  3. Duration: The duration or term of the easement, including whether it is temporary or permanent and any conditions for termination or renewal.
  4. Scope of Rights: The specific rights granted to the grantee, such as the right to access the land for a specified purpose (e.g., utilities, ingress/egress).
  5. Maintenance and Repair: Provisions outlining the responsibilities of the grantor and grantee for maintaining and repairing the easement area and any improvements.
  6. Compensation: If applicable, provisions regarding compensation or consideration provided by the grantee to the grantor in exchange for the easement rights.
  7. Indemnification and Liability: Provisions addressing liability for damages, injuries, or losses arising from the use of the easement area and indemnification obligations between the parties.
  8. Access and Use Restrictions: Any limitations or conditions on the grantee’s use of the easement, including restrictions on expansion, subleasing, or altering the easement area.
  9. Recording and Notice: Requirements for recording the easement agreement in the appropriate land records and providing notice to relevant parties, such as adjoining landowners and government authorities.
  10. Termination: Conditions under which the easement may be terminated, such as expiration of the term, abandonment, mutual agreement, or court order.

Understanding these terms and provisions is essential for negotiating and drafting effective land purchase agreements and easement agreements. Consulting with legal professionals experienced in real estate law will provide valuable guidance and ensure that your rights and interests are protected throughout the transaction process.


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Patrick Sullivan

Patrick Sullivan

Mr. Sullivan has been practicing law for 30 years in the greater Omaha area. His practice focuses heavily on commercial real estate transactions, ranging from buying/selling, new development, condemnations and representation of sanitary and improvement districts.